By: Laura Segovia.

Every time that a new year begins we have our list full of purposes: do exercise to make us feel good, go to a pending date with the doctor, balance our professional and personal life, have more fun, read , begin to study something new, find the people we haven’t seen for a while, dedicate more time to our pet, and why not, be better in our job or begin the journey of finding a new job that fulfill our expectations .

Begin to imagine how to do it is great, because we allow that all of those thoughts start to play with creativity to carry out those projects and dreams that we have.

Suddenly and without thought, the magic of enthusiasm take over us and the everything begins to transform. We find ourselves ready to take the first step and suddenly we wonder Where do I begin? Then many times happens that we postpone or we write in our agendas on the section “pending to do” and we continue with it at the end of the year.

However always is a good time to do it and, having as a pretext that feeling of joy and gratitude that the holidays bring us, we can take it seriously and make our plan of life something reachable.

Where do I begin?

  • Take the time this week to do it. Visit your favorite place, that one that you love to go when you have to be in peace with yourself.
  • Make a list of all your personal and professional strengths that you have at the beginning of the year, those will be your great tools to carry out this new plan of life. The ones that you don’t have yet, ¡let’s do it!, you have all the time ahead to develop them. Pay attention to those that make you feel great.
  • Write in a simple way each idea that you have for this year; writing it down will bring life from that moment to the commitment that you will have with everything that you wish to fulfill. Use date of start and follow, that way every time that you read them again, you will remember the commitment that you have with yourself.
  • In a simple way, include in your plan at least a project that allow you to balance your personal areas: body, heart, intellect and spirit. Remember that nourish every one of those areas will be the only way to make you feel good. It is forbidden to forget about any of them.
  • If you are one of those persons that needs to remember your own plans along the way, share them with someone that you trust: that person that suddenly remind you of those commitments that because of the hurry and in occasions are left in the inkwell.
  • Once you have your plan, save a special place for it in your home, your tablet or wherever you prefer, that allow you to have it on sight and evaluate once a month the progress that you have wit yourself.

The best signs to know that your plan is on track will be the feeling of fullness that you will experience as the days pass and the people close to you will notice. When that happens, give yourself a sincere “thank you” and continue with it. If it doesn’t happen, go back and reinvent it as many times as necessary. You are growing.

¡Happy 2017!, good things are coming for everyone.